New case software will complement collaborative law divorces
The founder of a new software company called "Wevorce" decided to enter the case management software industry based on her own traumatic experiences in divorce court. When she was 9 years old, she was put on the witness stand in her parents' divorce and forced to choose which one she would prefer to live with. After she had another traumatic experience with her own divorce, she became a family law attorney. Still, she could see clearly that there was much that could be done to improve the divorce experience and make it more amicable.
Inspired by the collaborative law divorce movement, the now-former attorney decided to develop software that would complement that process and make it more accessible to non-lawyers. The result was Wevorce, a cloud-based case management software program. Not only does it save time by populating the numerous forms required in a divorce after the user enters the information once, but it also gives divorcing couples direct access to a network of trained specialists.
Will Wevorce replace divorce lawyers? Not at all, the founder emphasizes. The program can be used by lawyers, but it can also be used by the people who hire them. No legal advice is available on the site.
Instead, Wevorce has cultivated a variety of specialists, including financial advisors, counselors and mediators, and trained them in what the company describes as “neuroscience, archetypal patterns and reframing families from one household to two” -- all in an effort to help divorcing couples resolve disputes more amicably.
Wevorce is quite new to the market, but it has already built an impressive record of successful resolutions by users. And, while you might think software would naturally add to the sterility of the process, Wevorce’s founder focuses on what she calls “high tech and high touch.”
“We’re humanizing the transition of divorce for families and still leave the practice of law to the lawyers,” she explains. “We can do all of this at a lower cost because we have brought 21st century technology into divorce.”
Do you think software could be used effectively to reduce the cost, hassle and adversarial nature of divorce?
Source: ABA Journal, "Silicon Valley venture capital group wants to provide kinder, cheaper way to divorce," Leslie A. Gordon, June 1, 2013