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Tag Archives: collaborative law

Parenting Plan When Moving A Child Out of State

Parenting Plan When Moving A Child Out of State 750 ILCS 5/609.2(g) Moving A Minor Child Out of State, PART XI The purpose of this blog is to inform the reader as to the procedure and law that dictates considerations of modifying a parenting plan when moving a child out of state after a divorce…
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Collaboration may make divorce easier

Collaboration may make divorce easier Illinois residents who may be contemplating divorce know that this process is not always smooth. The transition from marriage to separation requires making many important and often difficult decisions. Sometimes the divorce process is amicable, with both spouses working toward a fair dissolution, and other times the process is anything…
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New case software will complement collaborative law divorces

New case software will complement collaborative law divorces The founder of a new software company called "Wevorce" decided to enter the case management software industry based on her own traumatic experiences in divorce court. When she was 9 years old, she was put on the witness stand in her parents' divorce and forced to choose…
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Cook Cty domestic relations judges give privacy perks to wealthy?

Cook Cty domestic relations judges give privacy perks to wealthy? The Chicago Tribune released a blockbuster this week when it documented in an extensive article that Cook County Domestic Relations Division judges have been allowing the wealthy and influential to file divorce, child custody, parentage and other domestic cases using only their initials -- or…
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