New women's group seeks to promote fathers' rights in parenting What does feminist and former president of the National Organization for Women Karen DeCrow have in common with Phyllis Schlafly, a noted ultra-conservative and founder of the Eagle Forum, a group fighting for traditional family values? They're both founding members of a new advocacy group…
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Sexism is an act that doesn’t discriminate based on gender
Sexism is an act that doesn't discriminate based on gender The term sexism is often relegated to conversations involving discrimination against women. Whether it is in the employment context or in the home, and this is not to say that these conversations lack truth. However, the same stereotypes that women fought to eliminate affect men…
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What should involved dads know about fathers’ rights in divorce?
What should involved dads know about fathers' rights in divorce? If you're a dad with kids and a divorce is in your future, you may be wondering if it's true that even actively involved fathers face huge obstacles in child custody and visitation determinations. Do divorce courts automatically award the primary physical custody and the…
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How often are fathers’ rights ignored in child custody decisions?
How often are fathers' rights ignored in child custody decisions? It has long been a subject of great concern here in Illinois and across the U.S. that far more mothers than fathers appear to be awarded primary physical custody of children after divorce. Family courts have been accused of arbitrarily favoring a "traditional" physical custody…
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