Moving Child Out of State: Removal by Agreement vs. Contest The purpose of this blog is to inform the reader as to the procedure and law regarding moving a minor child out of state after a divorce has been concluded in Illinois. A. Removal by Agreement vs. Removal by Contest in Court I. Removal by…
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Moving a Minor Child Out of State (Part 3)
Cook County divorce lawyer James Kelly discusses Illinois law regarding moving a minor child out of state. This applies to all divorce cases in Illinois including Palatine, Arlington Heights, Rolling Meadows and all other cities in Illinois. The purpose of this blog is to inform the reader as to the procedure and law that dictates…
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Moving a Minor Child Out of State (Part 2)
Cook County divorce lawyer James Kelly discusses Illinois law regarding moving a minor child out of state. This applies to all divorce cases in Illinois including Palatine, Arlington Heights, Rolling Meadows and all other cities in Illinois. The purpose of this blog is to inform the reader as to the procedure and law that dictates…
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Custody Law Changes in IL: Decisions for the Child
2016 New Custody Law Changes in IL: Determining Who Makes Decisions for the Child PER AMENDED CUSTODY LAW 750 ILCS5/602.5 This blog is focused on the new custody law enacted in the state of Illinois and affecting Palatine, Arlington Heights and Rolling Meadows divorce and custody cases. This law went into effect on January 1,…
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