Changes in Illinois Maintenance (Alimony) Affecting IL Divorce Cases including Palatine, Arlington Heights and Rolling Meadows Amendments to Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act, Section 510, concerning modification of maintenance Part I: The Maintenance statute of the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act Section 510 was amended so as to take affect January 1,…
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Need for collaboration may not end with divorce
Need for collaboration may not end with divorce Illinois residents may find a recently published article regarding the long-term effects of divorce to be of some interest. Its author cites work conducted by two men employed at the Strauss Institute for Dispute Resolution at Pepperdine University School of Law, both of whom are recognized as…
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Collaborative divorce helps couples plan an amicable parting
Collaborative divorce helps couples plan an amicable parting For many couples, getting a divorce can be a process filled with conflict and confusion, and it can be an adversarial experience too. However, the concept of collaborative law, which is catching on in Illinois and across the nation, provides divorcing couples with the tools they need…
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Collaborative divorce offers couples more control and lower costs
Collaborative divorce offers couples more control and lower costs Divorcing couples in Illinois are taking note of an emerging trend known as collaborative divorce that offers them an unconventional new way to dissolve their marriage. Instead of the traditional combative divorce model, couples who divorce using the collaborative law approach actually work together to decide…
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