Rights of fathers in custody cases Illinois parents who are going through a divorce may not know that the attitude of courts has shifted in recent decades toward increased fathers' rights. While some high-profile cases have appeared in the news of celebrities who are not married to the mothers of their children fighting for custody,…
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Actor trying to gain custody of 4-year-old son
Actor trying to gain custody of 4-year-old son Illinois fans of actor Jason Patric may have heard that he is involved in a dispute over custody of his 4-year-old son. Patric was attempting to obtain joint custody, but the Los Angeles Superior Court denied his claim because the child was born through artificial insemination and…
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Benefiting from the Putative Father Registry
Benefiting from the Putative Father Registry Many unwed fathers may not be sure how to assert their rights when caught in disagreements with a child's mother over custody or adoption issues. However, a majority of state governments, including Illinois, allow a potential father to sign into a state-wide registry, which gives the men legal standing…
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Adoption law updates
Adoption law updates Expectant fathers in Illinois may be interested in the recent changes to adoption laws in Utah. The new law gives more consideration to birth fathers when a woman wants to put her baby up for adoption. Utah is well-known for its adoption laws that favor birth mothers, and lawmakers hope the new…
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